Mass Effect: Andromeda Wiki
Sticky Grenade (multiplayer)
Sticky Grenade (multiplayer)
Type Combat Power
Base stats Area Damage: 1100
Damage Radius (m): 4
Power Cell (Grenade) Capacity: 1
Requirements Angara Avenger, Human Female Infiltrator, Human Male Infiltrator, Salarian Infiltrator
TAP BUTTON: This grenade will stick to an enemy or surface. It will explode on a two-second timer.

HOLD BUTTON: Aim the grenade. This grenade will not explode in your hand.
Disambig This article is about the multiplayer version. For Jaal's version, see Sticky Grenade.

Sticky Grenade is a combat skill in multiplayer.

Ranks[ | ]

Rank 4
Concussive Shot 3 - Damage Icon
Rank 5
Grenade Capacity
Flak Cannon 2 - Power Cells Icon
Rank 6
Blood Rage 3 - Armor Smasher Icon
Rank 1
Sticky Grenade
Omni Grenade 4a - Sticky Grenade Icon
Rank 2
Grenade Capacity
Flak Cannon 2 - Power Cells Icon
Rank 3
Concussive Shot 3 - Damage Icon
Rank 4
Concussive Shot 5a - Radius Icon
Rank 5
Flak Cannon 6b - Shredder Icon
Rank 6
Concussive Shot 6b - Anti-Shield Icon
Rank Icon Description Bonus
1 - Sticky Grenade Omni Grenade 4a - Sticky Grenade Icon TAP BUTTON: Throw and stick the grenade to an enemy or surface. It will explode on a two-second timer. Damage decreases over distance.

HOLD BUTTON: Aim the grenade. This grenade will not explode in your hand.
Area Damage: 1100
Damage Radius (m): 4
Power Cell (Grenade) Capacity: 1
2 - Grenade Capacity Flak Cannon 2 - Power Cells Icon +1 Power Cell (Grenade) Capacity
3 - Damage Concussive Shot 3 - Damage Icon +20% Damage
4 - Damage Concussive Shot 3 - Damage Icon +30% Damage
4 - Radius Concussive Shot 5a - Radius Icon +40% Damage Radius
5 - Grenade Capacity Flak Cannon 2 - Power Cells Icon +2 Power Cell (Grenade) Capacity
5 - Shrapnel Flak Cannon 6b - Shredder Icon Affected enemies now take additional damage over time. Damage per Second: 65
Damage Duration (s): 5
6 - Anti-Armor Blood Rage 3 - Armor Smasher Icon +65% Damage vs. Armor
6 - Anti-Shield Concussive Shot 6b - Anti-Shield Icon +65% Damage vs. Shields

Challenges[ | ]

Sticky Grenade is the focus of the following challenges:
