Mass Effect: Andromeda Wiki
Mass Effect: Andromeda Wiki
The Search for Ljeta
The Search for Ljeta
Type Heleus assignments
Starting Location New Tuchanka, Elaaden
Mission Location Multiple
Start Rorik
End Ljeta

The Search for Ljeta is a heleus assignments mission. It is acquired by speaking with Rorik in New Tuchanka on Elaaden.


A New Tuchanka krogan named Rorik is concerned about his angaran friend Ljeta, who disappeared some time ago. Track Ljeta down and give her Rorik's gift.



Although Rorik says he will give Ryder the gift for Ljeta, there is no item added to inventory.

It isn't required to return to Rorik after speaking with Ljeta. However, Ryder can speak with him for a bit of closure after the mission and either choose to tell the truth or lie to him about why Lejta left.

